IFSC Code of Federal Bank bank branches in Malappuram, Kerala
Here you can get the List of IFSC, MICR and SWIFT/BIC Code of Federal Bank bank located in Malappuram, Kerala. Also get the updated address, contact details of Federal Bank bank branches present in Malappuram, Kerala.
- First the Select Bank then State then City then Branch from the above dropdown to get the corresponding Branch details.
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Federal Bank bank has 38 branches in Malappuram district, Kerala
- Angadipuram
- Areacode
- Changaramkulam
- Chemmad
- Edakkara
- Edappal
- Edavanna
- Edavannappara
- Kalikavu
- Karinkallathani
- Karuvarakundu
- Kolathur
- Kondotty
- Kottakkal
- Kuttipuram
- Makkaraparamba
- Malappuram
- Manjeri
- Mankada
- Marancherry
- Melattur
- Mongam
- Nilambur
- Oorakam
- Pandikad
- Parappanangadi
- Perintalmanna
- Ponnani
- Ponnani
- Pookkottumpadam
- Pulamanthole
- Pulikkal
- Puthanathani
- Thalakkadathur
- Thavanur
- Thenhipalam
- Tirur
- Valanchery